> >So where did the phrase "Lid" come from, we always used to ask....
> My beginning attempts at cw contacts were quite stressful. During each contact I would copy something like.. "/fb niqe to meet v, so LID qpq". What was wrong with my radio or was it ME ? Why does everyone I qso with call me a LID ? After some ti
>me and practice I was able to copy what was actually being sent,
> "/fb nice to meet u, solid cpy". Those OM's weren't rude at all, and they did send me a nice card. So now when I qso on cw I always use 599 and never soLID cpy.
> 73,
I can hardly believe it!
I thought I was the ONLY one who did that as a novice... It was a huge
relief to put the words together as SOLID COPY instead of the SO LID
that I had copied for months and months. Like you, I wondered what I
was doing to be classed a lid.
This one is a bear to edit down the previous post because of lack of